Welcome to Christ University Library. The staff and students of Christ University have access to five specialized libraries.
- Knowledge Centre – The Post Graduate, Law, and Research
- Main Library – The Under Graduate, B.Ed and Science
- Kengeri Campus Library - MBA and Engineering
- PUC Library - Higher Secondary Education
- Dharmaram and DVK Library – Philosophy and Theology
The Christ University Library was started with a small collection of 3000 titles. The library now houses more than 2,50,000 books, 600 periodicals, 21 newspapers, 5000 CDs and DVDs, spread over different libraries in two campuses.
The Libraries have also kept pace with technology and have subscribed 12 online databases with campus wide access and have more than 200 computer terminals to facilitate access to the digital world. The Library in-house activities are computerized and the library catalogue is available online.
The Library is committed to realizing the mission of the University to enhance the quality of learning and research through continuous updates of resources and services.
Accessing Library Account Online and Library Rules
The Library uses KOHA, an open source Integrated Library System, for its in-house activities. This allows users to search a book Author wise, Title wise, Subject wise, ISBN and keywords; review items checked out; determine return dates; conveniently from home or wherever internet access available . The Library also has OPAC terminals at various locations . Information pertaining to Library is also made available through OPAC.
- Library Timing
General Monday – Saturday 8.00 am - 9.00 pm
Vacation Monday – Saturday 8.00 am – 5.00 pm
The Library remains closed on all Sundays and Public Holidays.
- Code of Conduct
- Identity card is a must for all library transactions. ID cards are non-transferable.
- Users are requested to maintain silence in the library..
- University dress-code is applicable while visiting library on all occasions.
- Users should ensure that when browsing through books they replace the item from where it was taken, according to the shelf arrangement. Feel free to seek staff assistance for replacing the books.
- Users should avoid taking out several volumes of reports, journals and books at any one moment.
- The library reading area should be used only for reference and consultation of resource materials.
- Usage of cellphone is prohibited
- Users should fully cooperate with the library staff. In case of any need they should meet the Librarian.
- The persistent defaulters of various library rules will have their library services suspended.
- Circulation
- Circulation timings:
Monday – Saturday: 9.00 – 7.00 pm - Borrowing Facility:
Duration of borrowing
Penalty for late return
Students (UG)
2 books
General Library
14 days
Rs. 5/- per day
Law Library
7 days
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Students (PG)
4 books
General Library
14 days
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Law Library
7 days
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Research Scholars (Mphil, PhD)
10 books
General Library
21 days
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Law Library
14 days
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20 books
General Library
90 days
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Law Library
30 days
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Staff members
5 books
General Library
30 days
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Law Library
(c) Issue of Books
- Users cannot borrow copies of the same book.
- Issue of books stop, a week before every exam. This is done to ensure equal reading opportunity among the students. The students have to return the outstanding library books and deposit Library dues, if any.
- Return/Renew
- Books must be returned on or by due dates.
- Where the due date falls on a University holiday, the return period will be considered as extended by one day. However, users are advised to check the Library Notice Board regularly.
- A book may be renewed any number of times provided there is no reservation placed on the book. Users may reserve two different books at a time through OPAC.
- Library fines, if any, are to be paid at the cash counter in the Central Block, Ground Floor, along with due slip from the library.
- Reference Books
- Reference books are not for issue and are to be referred inside the Library.
- Under no circumstances reference books will be issued either for classroom reading/reference or for reading outside the library.
- Photocopying full book is not permitted inside the Library or campus.
- Journals/Reports
- Journals and Reports are not for loan.
- Users must take care of the journals/ reports taken for Xerox and should ensure its safe return.
- Photocopy Service
- The Library photocopy service is available from 9.00 am to 8.00pm.
- Institutional Membership
- The Library has Institutional membership with following Institute libraries. Users request for access cards and access the libraries.
- British Council Library
- DELNET services
- IIM Bangalore
- ISEC Bangalore
The Library has subscription to 12 online databases through direct subscription and through UGC INFLIBNET consortium. All databases are IP based and can be accessed in the campus only.
Name of the Databases
Academic journals on humanities, social sciences and sciences.
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Publication in management and psychology.
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APA PsycNet
Abstracts of reports and dissertations in psychology
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UK centric Legal database
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Westlaw India
Legal database on Indian and International laws.
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Indian centric legal database covering cases of Supreme Court and all High Court; Statutes, Notification, Circulars etc.
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Image based legal research database.
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Online general library
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A bibliographic database on mathematics
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Annual Reviews
A database on scientific disciplines
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Software installed in Computer lab
Database on Indian Companies.
Indian journals.com
On journals on management and social sciences.