Institutional Membership

British Council Library
This membership category provides ready access to British Council Library resources and information services including a vast range of electronic resources.

Rules and Regulations
Users can borrow books one book, one CD and one serial from British Library subject to following conditions :
  1. Carry membership card when you visit British Library.
  2. Due date for books is 14 days.
  3. A fine of Rs.25/- will be charged per hour for any overdue materials.
  4. Any due incurred for late return should be borne by the user.
  5. Material lost or damaged should be borne by the user.
  6. British Library materials can be photocopied subject to copyright restrictions and paying a nominal charge of Rs.5/- per A4 and Rs.7/- per A3.
British Library borrowing cards are available with the Main Library and you may request for the same.

DELNET services
DELNET has been established with the prime objective of promoting resource sharing among the libraries through the development of a network of libraries. It aims to collect, store, and disseminate information besides offering computerised services to users, to coordinate efforts for suitable collection development and also to reduce unnecessary duplication wherever possible.

Services provided by DELNET
  1. Access to Catalogs and Databases
  2. Union List of CD ROMS/Video Recordings
  3. Union List of Journals.

IIM Bangalore
IIMB Library encourages the use of its library for academic and research purposes. Members interested in access to electronic resources may visit on Wednesdays & Thursdays only.

Rules and Regulations
Users can use this library for reference due to limited borrowing facility. Users can borrow one book per card (total 2 cards have been provided) from IIM Library subject to following conditions
  1. Due date for books is for 14 days.
  2. Any due incurred for late return should be borne by the user.
  3. Material lost or damaged should be borne by the user.
  4. Library materials can be photocopied subject to copyright restrictions and paying a nominal charge.
IIMB Library borrowing /reference cards are available with the Main Library and you may request for the same.

ISEC Bangalore
The University Library has taken life membership to use ISEC library.
Users can borrow one book per card (total 3 cards have been provided) from ISEC Library subject to following conditions:

Rules and Regulations
  1. Due date for books is as per ISEC library rules and regulations.
  2. Any due incurred for late return should be borne by the user.
  3. Material lost or damaged should be borne by the user.
  4. Library materials can be photocopied subject to copyright restrictions and paying a nominal charge.